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Second Wednesday in Advent

Second Wednesday in Advent

Wonder of a Name

(Light the 1st & 2nd Purple Candles)

For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him.

John 3:17

Isn’t it amazing that the reason that Jesus was sent to the world is to save us. Have you ever felt lost and just wished that someone would come save you? How many movies have that as the plot line? I can think of at least a dozen right off the top of my head. When you think of Jesus, do you think of the one sent to save us? Do you feel like you can go to Jesus with anything and everything? He’s just waiting to save you, care for you, rescue you. The real question is…What are you waiting for? That is what advent is all about isn’t it? Share how you feel about Jesus as Savior. How is he saving you?

God, there are days when I really need saved from myself and others. Thanks for being there for me. AMEN

Song of the Day: Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus

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